Source code for ucsschool.kelvin.client.user

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
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import base64
import datetime
import logging
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Type, get_type_hints
from urllib.parse import unquote

from .base import KelvinObject, KelvinResource
from .exceptions import InvalidRequest
from .session import Session

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PasswordsHashes: user_password: List[str] samba_nt_password: str krb_5_key: List[str] krb5_key_version_number: int samba_pwd_last_set: int def __init__( self, user_password: List[str], samba_nt_password: str, krb_5_key: List[str], krb5_key_version_number: int, samba_pwd_last_set: int, ): self.user_password = user_password self.samba_nt_password = samba_nt_password self.krb_5_key = krb_5_key self.krb5_key_version_number = krb5_key_version_number self.samba_pwd_last_set = samba_pwd_last_set
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return dict((attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in get_type_hints(self).keys())
[docs] def as_dict_with_ldap_attr_names(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Wrapper around `as_dict()` that renames the keys to those used in a UCS' OpenLDAP. """ res = self.as_dict() res["userPassword"] = res.pop("user_password") res["sambaNTPassword"] = res.pop("samba_nt_password") res["krb5Key"] = res.pop("krb_5_key") res["krb5KeyVersionNumber"] = res.pop("krb5_key_version_number") res["sambaPwdLastSet"] = res.pop("samba_pwd_last_set") return res
@property def krb_5_key_as_bytes(self) -> List[bytes]: """Value of `krb_5_key` as a list of bytes.""" return [base64.b64decode(k) for k in self.krb_5_key] @krb_5_key_as_bytes.setter def krb_5_key_as_bytes(self, value: List[bytes]) -> None: """Set value of `krb_5_key` from a list of bytes.""" if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("Argument 'value' must be a list.") self.krb_5_key = [base64.b64encode(v).decode("ascii") for v in value]
[docs]class User(KelvinObject): _class_display_name = "User" _kelvin_attrs = KelvinObject._kelvin_attrs + [ "school", "firstname", "lastname", "birthday", "disabled", "email", "expiration_date", "kelvin_password_hashes", "password", "record_uid", "roles", "schools", "school_classes", "workgroups", "source_uid", ] def __init__( self, name: str = None, school: str = None, *, firstname: str = None, lastname: str = None, birthday: = None, disabled: bool = False, email: str = None, expiration_date: = None, password: str = None, record_uid: str = None, roles: List[str], schools: List[str], school_classes: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, workgroups: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, source_uid: str = None, udm_properties: Dict[str, Any] = None, ucsschool_roles: List[str] = None, kelvin_password_hashes: PasswordsHashes = None, dn: str = None, url: str = None, session: Session = None, language: str = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( name=name, ucsschool_roles=ucsschool_roles, udm_properties=udm_properties, dn=dn, url=url, session=session, language=language, ) = school self.firstname = firstname self.lastname = lastname self.birthday = birthday self.disabled = disabled = email self.expiration_date = expiration_date self.password = password self.record_uid = record_uid self.roles = roles self.schools = schools self.school_classes = school_classes or {} self.workgroups = workgroups or {} self.source_uid = source_uid self.kelvin_password_hashes = kelvin_password_hashes self._resource_class = UserResource @classmethod def _from_kelvin_response(cls, response: Dict[str, Any]) -> "User": for attr in ("roles", "schools"): # turn urls to names ('school' will be done in super class) response[attr] = [unquote(url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]) for url in response[attr]] if response["birthday"]: response["birthday"] = datetime.datetime.strptime(response["birthday"], "%Y-%m-%d").date() if "expiration_date" not in response: warnings.warn( "User attribute in Kelvin REST API response missing 'expiration_date' attribute. Server " "version probably < '1.5.1'.", RuntimeWarning, ) response["expiration_date"] = None elif response["expiration_date"]: response["expiration_date"] = datetime.datetime.strptime( response["expiration_date"], "%Y-%m-%d" ).date() return super()._from_kelvin_response(response) def _to_kelvin_request_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = super()._to_kelvin_request_data() url_keys = {"roles": "role", "schools": "school"} for attr in ("roles", "schools"): url_key = url_keys[attr] # role/school names to urls data[attr] = [f"{self.session.urls[url_key]}{value}" for value in data[attr]] if data["kelvin_password_hashes"]: data["kelvin_password_hashes"] = self.kelvin_password_hashes.as_dict() else: del data["kelvin_password_hashes"] if data["birthday"]: data["birthday"] = data["birthday"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if data["expiration_date"]: data["expiration_date"] = data["expiration_date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") return {key: value for key, value in data.items() if value is not None}
[docs]class UserResource(KelvinResource):
[docs] class Meta: kelvin_object: Type[KelvinObject] = User required_get_attrs: Iterable[str] = ("name",) required_save_attrs: Iterable[str] = ("school", "roles") required_head_attrs: Iterable[str] = ("name",) required_search_attrs: Iterable[str] = ()
def __init__(self, session: Session, language: str = None): super().__init__(session=session, language=language) self.collection_url = self.session.urls["user"] self.object_url = f"{self.session.urls['user']}{{name}}" def _check_search_attrs(self, **kwargs) -> None: super()._check_search_attrs(**kwargs) if "*" in kwargs.get("school", ""): raise InvalidRequest("Argument 'school' for searching users must be exact.")