Resource School

The School resource is represented in the LDAP tree as OU objects.

To list those LDAP objects run in a terminal:

univention-ldapsearch -LLL "$FILTER"

UCS@school uses the UDM to access the LDAP directory. UDM properties have different names than their associated LDAP attributes. Their values may also differ. To list the same UDM objects as above, run:

$ FILTER='objectClass=ucsschoolOrganizationalUnit'
$ udm container/ou list --filter "$FILTER"

Kelvin API documentation

Please see the Kelvin API documentation section Resource Schools about allowed values for the attributes.

School class

The ucsschool.kelvin.client.School class has the following public attributes and methods:

class School(KelvinObject):
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        display_name: str = None,
        educational_servers: List[str] = None,
        administrative_servers: List[str] = None,
        class_share_file_server: str = None,
        home_share_file_server: str = None,
        udm_properties: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        ucsschool_roles: List[str] = None,
        dn: str = None,
        url: str = None,
        session: Session = None,
        language: str = None,
    ): = name
        self.display_name = display_name
        self.educational_servers = educational_servers
        self.administrative_servers = administrative_servers
        self.class_share_file_server = class_share_file_server
        self.home_share_file_server = home_share_file_server
        self.udm_properties = udm_properties or {}
        self.ucsschool_roles = ucsschool_roles
        self.dn = dn
        self.url = url
        self.session = session
        if language:
            self.session.language = language

    async def reload(self) -> School:

    async def save(self) -> School:

    async def delete(self) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:

Note: The Kelvin API does not yet support changing or deleting school objects, and thus the Kelvin API client doesn’t either. Using or School.delete() on existing school objects will raise a NotImplementedError exception.

SchoolResource class

The ucsschool.kelvin.client.SchoolResource class has the following public attributes and methods:

class SchoolResource(KelvinResource):
    def __init__(self, session: Session, language: str = None):
    async def get(self, **kwargs) -> School:
    async def get_from_url(self, url: str) -> School:
    async def search(self, **kwargs) -> AsyncIterator[School]:
    async def exists(self, **kwargs) -> bool:

Create school

Since version 1.4.0 the Kelvin REST API supports the creation of school (OU) objects. The result should be the same as using the Schools UMC module or running the /usr/share/ucs-school-import/scripts/create_ou script from the command line. The Kelvin REST API Client supports this feature since version 0.3.0.

The only required attribute is name. An educational domain controller for each school is required however. If none is passed in the request, one will be created automatically as dc<name>. If name is longer than 11 characters this will fail. In that case the hostname must be passed in educational_servers.

For historical reasons administrative_servers and educational_servers are lists that must contain exactly one item.

from ucsschool.kelvin.client import Session, School

async with Session(**credentials) as session:
    school = School(
        display_name="A test school",

{'name': 'testou',
 'ucsschool_roles': ['school:school:testou'],
 'display_name': 'A test school',
 'educational_servers': ['dctestou'],
 'administrative_servers': [],
 'class_share_file_server': 'dctestou',
 'home_share_file_server': 'dctestou',
 'udm_properties': {},
 'dn': 'ou=testou,dc=example,dc=com',
 'url': 'https://master.ucs.local/ucsschool/kelvin/v1/schools/testou'}

Schools are saved as containers in the UCS LDAP. The result can be verified on the target system using UDM:

$ udm container/ou list --filter ou=testou

DN: ou=testou,dc=example,dc=com
  name: testou
  displayName: A test school
  ucsschoolRole: school:school:testou
  ucsschoolClassShareFileServer: cn=dctestou,cn=dc,cn=server,cn=computers,ou=testou,dc=example,dc=com
  ucsschoolHomeShareFileServer: cn=dctestou,cn=dc,cn=server,cn=computers,ou=testou,dc=example,dc=com

The administrative and educational server information is stored as group membership. If interested, search using the hostname prefixed with a dollar (dctestou$):

$ udm groups/group list --filter 'memberUid=dctestou$'

Retrieve school

from ucsschool.kelvin.client import Session, SchoolResource

async with Session(**credentials) as session:
    school = await SchoolResource(session=session).get(name="DEMOSCHOOL")

{'name': 'DEMOSCHOOL',
 'ucsschool_roles': ['school:school:DEMOSCHOOL'],
 'display_name': 'Demo School',
 'educational_servers': ['DEMOSCHOOL'],
 'administrative_servers': [],
 'class_share_file_server': 'DEMOSCHOOL',
 'home_share_file_server': 'DEMOSCHOOL',
 'dn': 'ou=DEMOSCHOOL,dc=example,dc=com',
 'url': 'https://master.ucs.local/ucsschool/kelvin/v1/schools/DEMOSCHOOL'}

Check if school exists

from ucsschool.kelvin.client import Session, SchoolResource

async with Session(**credentials) as session:
    if await SchoolResource(session=session).exists(name="DEMOSCHOOL"):
        print("The school exists!")

Search schools

The search() method allows searching for schools. The optional name argument supports an inexact search using * as a placeholder.

from ucsschool.kelvin.client import Session, SchoolResource

async with Session(**credentials) as session:
    async for school in SchoolResource(session=session).search(name="DEMO*"):

School('name'='DEMOSCHOOL', dn='ou=DEMOSCHOOL,dc=example,dc=com')
School('name'='DEMOSCHOOL2', dn='ou=DEMOSCHOOL2,dc=example,dc=com')

Change school properties

The Kelvin API does not yet support changing school objects, and thus the Kelvin API client doesn’t either.

Move school

School objects do not support moving.

Delete school

The Kelvin API does not yet support deleting school objects, and thus the Kelvin API client doesn’t either.